Saturday, 27 June 2015

Animation Club - Drawing Technique

Today, in animation club, we had a go with a drawing technique where you animate additions to a drawing slowly over time.
We also had another play with the lego !!

Friday, 12 June 2015

Animation Club - Playing with Play Doh...

We had our second session today after school.
We had Play Doh to try out this week in our animations.

Friday, 5 June 2015

First Session of the Animation Club

This afternoon, after school, was the first session of the Animation Club.
We were using iPads with the Lego Movie Maker app installed on them. This is a really easy app to use so we were concentrating on our animation and moving the characters.

We had a collection of lego, characters and other interesting bits to play with so we got straight into it with too much hold up.

Here are the movies we made today.

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Year 10 Meet their Design Client

Year 10 met their client today. They have been working on their design developments of their CD covers for the Tamaki College music CD -" Rise Tamaki College 2015".
They have produced their design developments in a variety of ways :- by hand, using Google Drawing, using online graffiti creators and Photoshop.
Their client is the HOD music, Mr Telefoni, and he came today to view the design developments and give his opinion. We are waiting now to see what the senior music class think, as it is their music that is on the CD.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Year 10 mp3 Player Designs

Year 10 students are designing mp3 players.
Today they were drawing their ideas in 3D and trying out a few as Plasticine models.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Year 10 Market Research for Brief Development - Austin

Year 10 students have been making questionnaires using Google Forms.
They want to find out about how people use mp3 players.

Austin designed a Google Form and sent it out to get some answers to his questions ...

He then looked at the summary of responses that came from the form.
He copied and pasted these onto a Google Doc.

What colour do you prefer?

What size do you want?

What music do you listen to?

What shape should it be?

What brand should it be?

Then, Austin looked at this information and summerised it into a few bullet points.

Market Research Summary

I found from my research:

  • Red and Blue were the most popular colours
  • Normal,small sized was the best
  • Oldies were the popular music people wanted listening too
  • Rectangle sized phone was the most popular shaped phone
  • Most people wanted the phone brand apple

His next step will be to use this information to write his own design brief and specifications, before he starts on some design ideas.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

We love making a mess !!!

The level 2 DVC students were playing working really hard today and making their own textures to use in their design ideas. We were using paint to produce mono printed patterns and textures. These will be scanned and used in Photoshop when they are designing their glassware based on their design era.
The cleaning up was the hard part!!!

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Level 2 Students trip to Yoobee ...

The Level 2 students have been  on a two day Photoshop course. They visited Yoobee School of Design to learn some cool skills that they can use in their project work.

They learned about selections, text, layers, layer masks, adding effects ......
If you want to see some of their work, come and visit the Level 2 Google Plus community, where they uploaded some of their finished posters to showcase what they had been learning.

mp3 Player Product Research - Frankie

mp3 Player Product Research - Romeo

mp3 Player Product Research - Jonive

mp3 Product Research - Lesieli

mp3 Product Research - Falefa

mp3 Product Research - Austin

mp3 Product Research - Loa

mp3 Product Research - Alexander


Material-Metal and Glass


Practical- It for People for running and it got a little clipper on it can stick on the people.